How Long Does Human Hair Last


Buying human wigs these days is an investment, a big one at that. Human hair wigs are the best option if you want to buy wigs. These wigs were made with the purest form of virgin hair and are void of any chemical process. Therefore this hair lasts as long as possible with good maintenance procedures. Also, with a human hair wig, you have the most natural look because the hair will look like your natural hair. However, buying a human hair wig doesn’t always come cheap.

You may need to spend hundreds of dollars to buy your human hair wigs and another amount of money trying to maintain it. That way, you would not want to buy human hair that will get spoiled in a short period. Usually, real human hair wigs that are 100% natural should last several months and over a year if you maintain their quality. It stays this long because the materials are natural and haven’t undergone any chemical process beforehand. Therefore the cuticles of the wig haven’t been tampered with, and they will stand the test of time.

The time a human wig will last depends on many factors. Some of these factors include;

The Material of the wig

The first and most important factor that affects the lifespan of a human hair wig is the type of material. Human hair wigs are usually made from human hair bundles. Some human hair bundles are not entirely natural. If you use these types of bundles to make a human hair wig, you may not get a long-lasting wig. The best wig that will stand the test of time is the one that’s 100% natural.

The length of the wig

Wigs come in different sizes and lengths. There are short wigs that are between eight and twelve inches long. The medium sizes of wigs range between fourteen inches and eighteen inches in length. The longer wigs range from twenty inches to about thirty-two inches. Now, the longer the wig you buy, the more the wig is exposed to external factors and debris. Likewise, it’s the more you need to maintain the wig.

The color of the wig

Irrespective of the style and length of wig you buy, one factor that affects how long it will last is the color. Wigs can come in different colors, including black, red, gold, and others. To use a wig for long, you need to wash it routinely. For colored wigs, the more you wash them, the more it loses their color.

Wig Maintenance culture

Maintenance is an essential factor in the lifespan of a wig. You need to maintain your wig if it lasts for long. Wig maintenance doesn’t only refer to washing the wig from time to time. Maintenance starts from the types of creams and conditioners you use on the wig, how frequently you wear the wig, and other factors.


The lifespan of a wig is very important to the user, given the amount invested into the wig. In this guide, we have explained some of the factors that affect the lifespan of your wigs.